Lawrence Lessig scares a room of liberals

Lawrence Lessig shares some observations about conservatives.

via Boing Boing

Larry Lessig is awesome. I thought he was advising the Obama campaign (when it was still only a campaign) on information technology policy. I can't help but think they must not have given him a swanky government job.

Anyways, I'm a bit curious how much actual Republican support there is for opening up copyright law. I know there's libertarian support for it, and certainly the grassroots left supports it (though it's not really on anybody's hot issue list), but that doesn't mean Republicans are actually going to stand up to the big media companies if those companies' lobbyists say to Republicans "this will put our business model in jeopardy!"

But Lessig is right, in this case deregulation could be a big win for society.


↑^^There's only one party dude. The government of the U.S. has been an aristocracy for some time now-The illusion of the difference in parties is part of the particular brand of collective psychosis in the U.S.-
Schizophrenia translates roughly as "shattered mind" and comes from the Greek "schizo" "to split" or "to divide"-
"Insanity is a perfectly natural adjustment to a totally unnatural and negative environment."-R.D.Laing
Psychotic states are simply an attempt to adjust. If your world is irrational and insane and you are doing your best to adjust to it-It is merely a symptom, like crime-don't treat the symptom.
In the global psychosis we find ourselves in there are so many levels of compensation, that to the somewhat sane individual, the world seems frighteningly linear and deleteriously so. Waking up from the boot stomping on a human face forever is a rough trip we need to take the planet on collectively, before the boot is unable to be removed....


He's wrong about Christians giving things away for free, though.

You have to either love Jesus or listen to them try to make you "accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior" or you can just keep shuffling on down the road.


With the rules of the political game that the white house and congress have created for themselves over the years they've pretty much legalized corruption. Honest politicians are few and far between. It takes a talented populist to truly represent the people above corporate interests and not get shoved out of the political process by party leaders.


>> ^geo321:
With the rules of the political game that the white house and congress have created for themselves over the years they've pretty much legalized corruption. Honest politicians are few and far between. It takes a talented populist to truly represent the people above corporate interests and not get shoved out of the political process by party leaders.

Agreed. We -may- have a very few of those populists now...Weiner, Grayson, and Franken all show some possibilities. But I refuse to rush to judgement on them too quickly. Let's see how their records look in a few more years.

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