Laurent Garnier - The Man with the Red Face bollywood parody


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Laurent Garnier (born February 1, 1966) is a French techno music producer and DJ. A former staffer at the embassy in London, Frenchman Laurent Garnier began DJ-ing in Manchester during the late '80s and became by the following decade one of the best all-around DJs in the world, able to span classic deep house and Detroit techno, the harder side of acid/trance and surprisingly jazzy tracks as well. He added production work to his schedule in the early '90s, and recorded several brilliant LPs with a similar penchant for diversity.

Garnier returned to the production realm with Unreasonable Behaviour, released in early 2000, which features one of Garnier's best known songs, "The Man with the Red Face". Garnier released an EP in 2002 and his latest full length album, The Cloud Making Machine, in 2005. His most recent album is Retrospective, a best-of which collects both his original work and remixes, including some vinyl-only or previously-unreleased tracks.

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'french, bollywood parody, india, funny' to 'french, bollywood parody, india, funny, martial arts, tv, repair, sax, dance, electronic' - edited by Eklek

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