Laura Branigan - Self Control

The song narrates the singer's slip into the world of nightlife, the allure of which has her "livin' only for the night" and deeming herself to "live among the creatures of the night". Rather than actually invoking control over herself, the singer repeatedly declares to a phantom protagonist that that "you take my self, you take my self control". The song was written by Raffaele Riefoli.

This song was used as a track from fictional radio station, Flash FM, on video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. This song enjoyed success in both the UK and the US, peaking at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #5 on the UK Singles Chart.

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Well none of that was strange was it? Phantom of the Opera masks, dolls, people running about in spandex, suggestions of kinkyness and the dude who keeps dematerialising. I love it!¬

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