LCD Soundsystem: Tribulations


these guys are super, I went to see them with the benjee last year. I don't think my ears have recovered yet. If you like what you hear try and see them play, lcd soundsystem was the second best gig I've been to (radiohead being top). Toodle pip.............


Yeah (yeah, yeah! Sorry - LCD Soundystem Song)...they are very good indeed! I agree: that was one of the best live sets I've ever had the pleasure (and ear pain) to experience. Cheerio, Bye, Ta Ta...


Saving this video from queue deletion, sending it to the top of the queue for one more try. Originally submitted on Wednesday 27th September 2006 (save called by gold star member Krupo)


The best show I've ever been to. I specifically left work early and drove from DC to Philly JUST to see them at the Trocadero. It was so worth it. I drove back that night got home at 5am!


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