Kpop Dance Group Visits All Boys School

Why can't all school assemblies be like this!

So is no one else finding anything a bit wrong with 4 adult women literally displaying, framing and gesturing to their (admittedly clothed) sexual organs to a crowd of adolescent kids? I don't want to be "that guy" though.

It just made me think of something like getting a bunch of chippendales for 14 year old girls. They don't have to strip, just dance as provocatively as these women are.. i guess it's morally ok if it's classified as music rather than stripping though.


>> ^dannym3141:

So is no one else finding anything a bit wrong with 4 adult women literally displaying, framing and gesturing to their (admittedly clothed) sexual organs to a crowd of adolescent kids? I don't want to be "that guy" though.
It just made me think of something like getting a bunch of chippendales for 14 year old girls. They don't have to strip, just dance as provocatively as these women are.. i guess it's morally ok if it's classified as music rather than stripping though.

Nah, it's fine because it's actually 5 women

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