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Keith Ellison Pimpin' His Daughter


Don't really have any high hopes for the point getting through, between the funny pages and the ranters and whiners', are the subtleties that slip through the cracks, and give the aware a kind of countdown clock, which updates exponetially nowadays, considering the absolute bullshit we are forced to witness.

--- Can We Make America Better? That's the question we asked at the Minnesota State Fair with 10 year-old Amirah. Her dad is Keith Ellison, running for U.S. Congress. More info at
original blab, with original post


Doesn't religious freedom form part of the constitution?

Furthermore it wasn't an act of censorship, I believe that politicians should not be judged on their religious credentials. We had many examples of under hand tactics from both the left and right regarding this non-issue. Which clouds real political discourse on real actual issues that matter like foreign policy, the economy, national debt and others.

It is low to use your daughter. And am sure he received voter backlash on it.


KORAN (as a symbol of the pot that no longer melts).


So putting the hand on the ol' Bibble is one of the noble, pure, and righteous ties that bind us here in L'America? Or is it merely a cultural signifier that you are in court and had better not be caught lying?

I know what is irritating you here and it is not the Koran. It is the "look-at-me! look-at-me!" antics of a minor-league politician. It is multi-culti without meaning or even a vague interest in advancing a particular culture or a coherent idea.

I believe that borders as you describe them are dead or, at most, transparent to the point of meaninglessness. And the idea of a unitary American culture was always a bit of a country crock.


yeah and rolling with change is not the problem, it's the insanity along the way that gets' me riled!- the crazy folks running the show......scary! And we have us a regular swearin' in manual called the bible, not the koran, why should, it matter, screams the seeker?? Why should it be an issue?


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

It's not completely a publicity thing to tick off the right SG. I'm sure he would tick off a lot of muslim americans if he chose not to use a book at all. He can't win really, but it was an inspired move to get the Thomas Jefferson Quran.


I didn't know about that last part, Dag. Still, tradition has the Bible as the swear book. The founding fathers I imagine never expected so much complication and debate over what is separation of church and state. Perhaps it's time to remove holy books in swearing in offices.


..the founding fathers would never have allowed such tolerance. Perhaps the idea of crawling back into the societal womb was abhorrent. The association of the Q-book with freedom perhaps, or the tolerance and humanity of its devotees?

Forget that this idea of democracy, was associated with the Bible for some twisted reason in the minds of the originators of this project? Perhaps it has something to do with the dark ages being over with for some time by 1775, and most of the civilized world knew about treating women with a bit more respect.

How will this gentleman repair the evil that Islam has caused for women since its inception, by the control freak Mohammed, for his daughter being raised by a token politician, who himself is being used like a crack spider's bitch?

How the females in government, rejects like Boxer and Pelosi, don't immediately rise up in opposition of Islam in any form in our hallowed halls, after their history of developmental stasis with regard to the rest of the world, OR their track record with teaching children hogwash, and treating women like cattle???

Can not anyone simply put one and one together to make two??


i think they should just use aesop's fables as the swearing it book ...

i admire that this man remained true to himself, but he should have realized that the religious right would just use this as their new platform in which to try and shout people down again ... *sigh*


Fortunately for the "irreligious correct" honor among thieves applies to pirates and not crack-heads. This is a bit more insidious than some bible thumping by the confused and sincere,...this symbolism will go so much deeper than a Christian proving a point to an atheist, (not that the atheist would admit it had happened) this Nation, is about symbols, just as Jung's collective unconscious is about old- timey imprints.
This guys show-boating, even heart-felt and sincere as it probably is, is a sign of retrograde government, at its best!

This guy is in a similar position that that well-meaning Negro from T-3 was, when he was sooooo excited about the Terminator's little microprocessor.

There's always the possibility that this sensible observation is a tad bit askew, but it goes a long way to explaining the "anything goes" attitude of the people of the United States, from the last few generations...

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