Pretty good slide show accompaniment to the story of where we are today, because monkeys are distracted, and full of their own meaningless bullshit....

Cause she's a silly, reactionary? I dunno...
"I've never known him to have more than one black person around him at any given time."
-McKinney on Al(snake oil)Gore ,on snakey's 2000 election campaign-(The Goon's campaign responded by pointing out that flim-flam man's campaign manager, Donna Brazile, was black.)


^ whatsa' matter, choggie? got the shakes? going into work-in-a-slam-on-Gore withdrawal?

give it up, man. Woody's not worth it.

all anyone would have to do, to know why her picture was used at that moment, is to search for her name at youtube.

did you happen to catch her on Bill Maher's show, like 2 years ago? yikes.
i tried to find it, just now, to sift it. can't find a single copy. pisser. you'd love it, chog.


what a
, eh?


no way dude, I treat all politicians with the same disdain, you should know that by now....Gore happens to be one of the ones I'd chum with first while shark-fishing....


awwwww hell
hey MFM, hell of a way to say something directly.....what is it with kids today?\
Mines better, yers has cheesey muzak and poor the voice of a man crying in the wilderness who's running for president......


Tags for this video have been changed from 'president, Fitzgerald, police, state, Eisenhower, cesorship, dissent' to 'president, Fitzgerald, police, state, Eisenhower, censorship, dissent' - edited by Issykitty

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