Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Controversial Pastor

As of March 15th, Obama FINALLY distanced himself from some of the now-retired Wright's vitriol.

NSFW due to some offensive language and playing the race/victim deck.

Sounds like a black pastor political speech. Seems a little bitter, playing the crowd, or has experienced racism.

Lol... nice qm. "B. Hussein Obama" Why not "Barack H. Obama?" You would probably prefer "barack HUSSEIN obama."


I'll put it this way then: I have a friend who dislikes black people. He's not openly racist in the sense that he wants to assault black people or call them offensive names when he sees them on the street, but his positions are prejudicial and he has made some rather uncouth remarks in the past.

Despite this, he is my friend. His prejudice is unfortunate, but it does not entirely define who he is. I associate with him because the positives heavily outweigh the negatives, and he has been a loyal and supportive friend for a long time. This does not mean that I condone his distaste for black people, nor does it mean that I share his views.

I think this is something the right-wing fundies can't seem to grasp. Just because you don't agree with someone does not mean you have to disassociate yourself or hate them for it.

(posted this under the wrong video, but I'll leave it here anyway as it's still fitting)


uhohzombies, racism is not the issue here-It's simply a shame that most folks would not vote for a vid that has yet to be given serious consideration by the Obama cult of personality, simply because of who posted it.....the tags are true to form on the last post, same subject and while Obama's preacher may be a racist buffoon,and anyone simply writing this off as some mud-slinging political tactics an idiot, s'godddamn shame that it was a double-barreled exercize in major ass-showing-qm is skilled in out-doing himself to the point of absurdity....

Obama needs to disassociate himself with this crazy fucker, but guess what....How can he?? That's his pastor.
If you Americans can't see how fucking insane this election is, for crissakes, are there some Brits who could chime in on the ridiculous event??? Dag does not count, he's the Aussie devil's advocate, and gay for Obama like an 18 yr old, first time voter remale thought JFK was cute.....Obama is a major fucking tool, and will make a fine marionette, you pathetic meatsacks....


I agree his association to this man and this man's behavior is regrettable, but it is this man's behavior and not Barack Obama's (for what it's worth, I was upset at Ferraro's comments, but didn't hold them against Clinton, so I'm not being completely biased here). I think he could have chosen a better congregation, but as it says in the Constitution everyone seems to be forgetting about over the last 7 years:

"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust"

I personally cannot wait for the day we elect an Atheist president. I think some legitimate business might actually get done in Washington then.


Yeah well, after this, all tests will go unspoken, as they always have with regard to elections in the US...
I find the synchronicity interesting with his middle name, but that's as far as it goes-has nothing to do with my opinion of the puppet regime's choice #2 for Dem candidate-both are bought and paid for lackeys, and dangerous for the country.
I pray daily for an Electro-Pragmatic pulse to hit muslims and the christians scientologists and Mormons, and especially atheists, that will wake them allllll the fuck up to their collective lack of consciousness, and attachment to this planet-Oh, and I hope that one day the UN building will be used as low-income housing for the working poor....former members of the CFR...I wanna see Queen Beatrix picking up garbage on the highway, and the Rockefeller's entire family serving meals down to the soup kitchen....a Scientology soup kitchen!!

By the way, if you think that a man's church affiliation has nothing to do with his ethics, sensibilities, or world're an idiot.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'obama, anti semitism, pastor, jeremiah wrong' to 'pastor, antisemitism, radical, association, election, afrocentric, batshit insane' - edited by choggie


I don't see a thing wrong with this. This doesn't sound like racism to me. Sounds an awful lot like the truth to my ear. If I were a black man, I'd be a helluva lot more pissed than this.

I support "B. Hussien Obama". (that's pretty tacky, btw) and I'm a cracker. I'm not afraid of setting some things straight.


If a distant cousin of the Bush family said he "admired some things David Duke said" you don't think the liberal media would make it a screaming front page? The taxocrat media raked Romney over the coals about his religion, to the point of suggesting he might obey Mormon Elders over the Constitution.

Their obvious bias is proven and reproven every day with Barack Hussein Obama getting a free pass just because race-obsessed liberals want to see affirmative action applied to the White House.

Thank you choggie and schmawy, not for supporting me personally but for supporting a sift worthy to make it out of the queue.


You got it qm. It should be debated in the siftosphere. I'm guilty of seeing Barak's race, I'll admit that I see him as half black, half white, half christian, half muslim, quarter muslim whatever. Truth be known, I'm open to any alternative to rich old white guys, 'cause look where they got us.

There has been constant criticism of BHO about being an 'empty vessel', but he's always had a big fat .pdf on his website that lays it all out. One thing is clear, and that is that his intent is to bring the big fat pig of corporate interest to the altar and cut it's demon heart out. Or so he says. But Choggie might be right, just another marionette.

As far as judging the man by his pastor, Ted Haggard was Bush's close advisor. So you're right, if that was all over the news, this should be too.


All anyone should advocate, is following the trails, the money, etc.
If the trail stops dead, or a pettern is recognized, then hell's bells, just another example, different suit of armor..


As far ast trails, armor, and hell's bells is concerned, all I can recall is some shady land deals with an even shadier guy in Chicago. And that guy on YewTube that said he gave him a blowjob. That's about all. At least there's no Skull & Bones, ex-cia director daddy, saudi kissin', nazi-dealing background in the family.

I think that should he get elected, he should grow a beard so everyone thinks he's an islamo-fascist, then put a top hat on, presto- Lincoln!


Y'know, BillO, I've listened to it four times now, and I don't hear the lunacy. It sounds like a political sermon I've heard before. This is the pain one feels on the receiving end of racism. For you to hear it too, you'd have to have the qualities of empathy that I frankly don't expect from you.

And I agree, to downvote this video shows a lack of independent thought.


He does seem to be off the deep end in religious fervor and slang that hurts my ears. I personally believe Barack and Hillary are both agnostics posing as theists to be electable. Nobody smart enough to run the harvard law review in the second half of the twentieth century could have that kind of religious fervor.


I'd upvote if it wasn't for the transparent name games.

There are enough valid intelligent concerns about Barack without having to do that. In my mind, it reduces you to the level of those nonsensical people screaming slogans at each other during rallies. And those people do nothing to make it better here in this country.

EDIT: and now it has my upvote with the changes. Thanks qm.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'pastor, antisemitism, radical, association, election, afrocentric, batshit insane' to 'pastor, radical, association, election, afrocentric' - edited by jwray


Because it isn't hate speech. It resembles the truth. Only the exaggeration and method of delivery makes it offensive. Technically, tax-exempt churches aren't allowed to endorse political candidates (or else they lose tax exemption).


At schmawy's request, I changed some of the language in the title and descrip to make it more palatable to sifters. "Objectivity" is rare, if not given away by direct opinion, then by choice of subject matter (witness fedquip's 50,000 sifts).

Obama's been with this church for 20+ years. Like all poor black men denied cab rides, he's given this church 22 grand, probably by a check written at a desk in his mansion.

That Obama only now seems surprised by some of Wright's vitriol should not come as a surprise: Obama also wants to have tea and palaver with the nutball Iranian tyrant who's pledged the destruction of Israel.


All the candidates have problems:

Ferraro, a member of Clinton's campaign, claims Hillary is beat down by the (black)man.

MCcain does commencement at "America should be a theocracy" Liberty University.

Obama's Pastor says rich white people are in control of America.

I can see why Wright pushes buttons, but he's the least absurd of the three. Just because Americans are uncomfortable discussing race does not make this worse then MCcain showing support for Falwell, or Clinton's campaign claiming that the electoral college has been taken over by a stealth affirmative action program.

If Wright words disturb you I must assume that you live in a very white washed world. Many people think as he does, and they are, by and large, correct in their assessment of the race/class disparity in America.


I can see why Wright pushes buttons, but he's the least absurd of the three. Just because Americans are uncomfortable discussing race does not make this worse then MCcain showing support for Falwell, or Clinton's campaign claiming that the electoral college has been taken over by a stealth affirmative action program.

I think you're confusing "discomfort" with "sick-to-death" of discussions of race. America has spent 5.4 trillion dollars fighting a "War on poverty" the past 40 years. Black Americans, a mere 13% of the population, have been disproportionately high recipients of these dignity-robbing handouts. They have also been offered more second-chances, breaks, excuses for failure and opportunities than any other minority on earth. Group after ethnic group, including Caribbean Blacks, who arrive in America and were never taught Victimhood 101 are up and running in 2 generations. What a difference a little optimism and effort makes.

If Wright's words disturb you I must assume that you live in a very white washed world. Many people think as he does, and they are, by and large, correct in their assessment of the race/class disparity in America.

Many people at one time also thought the earth was flat; they were wrong too. Wright is a crackpot but it doesn't matter, he's not serving up rationality. There's no way to disprove nutball conspiracy theories and one-dimensional rants. He has his audience and, one must assume, wealth; that a would-be President shares his marxist philosophy is the cause for alarm.

People that follow "leaders" who say "You are a powerless pawn and victim" may very well be born followers. At the very least, they can switch channels and follow people who say, "You can make it."


>> ^quantumushroom:
I think you're confusing "discomfort" with "sick-to-death" of discussions of race.

Living in a culture that is racist, and making a spectacle of race/racism, is not the same as discussing race, which is something Americans do very rarely.

They have also been offered more second-chances, breaks, excuses for failure and opportunities than any other minority on earth.

When an honest black man has a better chance of landing a job then an otherwise equally qualified white convicted felon, then you might be able to make such a claim. Until then your claim is full of shit.

Group after ethnic group, including Caribbean Blacks, who arrive in America and were never taught Victimhood 101 are up and running in 2 generations. What a difference a little optimism and effort makes.

Immigrants self select, so using them as the control sample is absurd. Historically oppressed non-immigrant communities recover very slowly, though it is happening.

Take a look at native people on reservations, or poor rural whites in the Appalachians (pejoratively called hillbillies). These groups gain social/economic parity very slowly. We can argue about why that is, but to claim that the dominant culture is not at all at fault, when they were clearly the cause of the disparity to begin with, will require some evidence beyond your hyperbole.

Wright is a crackpot but it doesn't matter, he's not serving up rationality.

Dr. Wright is a preacher who believes that a man who never existed has saved his soul, and will greet him in heaven after he dies, your statement is trivially true OF ALL CHRISTIAN PREACHERS.

that a would-be President shares his marxist philosophy is the cause for alarm.

Accusing a Christian preacher of being Marxist suggests you have no idea what you are talking about.


Living in a culture that is racist, and making a spectacle of race/racism, is not the same as discussing race, which is something Americans do very rarely.

Well, you won't find any peoples on earth that aren't racist to some degree. And the Spectacle Award goes to our leftist friends, everyone else is working toward a colorblind society. Conservatives would like more Black votes but don't need them. Liberals need Black votes but don't want them.

When an honest black man has a better chance of landing a job then an otherwise equally qualified white convicted felon, then you might be able to make such a claim. Until then your claim is full of shit.

How about this: an honest man has a better chance of landing a job than a convicted felon, even one who's been forthright.

Immigrants self select, so using them as the control sample is absurd. Historically oppressed non-immigrant communities recover very slowly, though it is happening.

Excuses. And most American Blacks are middle class and do well. You just never hear about them because only crises buy votes.

Take a look at native people on reservations, or poor rural whites in the Appalachians (pejoratively called hillbillies). These groups gain social/economic parity very slowly. We can argue about why that is, but to claim that the dominant culture is not at all at fault, when they were clearly the cause of the disparity to begin with, will require some evidence beyond your hyperbole.

The "evidence" is those who are literate, work hard, don't have children before marriage, and have a consistent set of values harmonious with the larger society usually are no longer "poor" after 10 years. And half of America's "poor" own their own homes, 2 cars and 3 tvs.

Dr. Wright is a preacher who believes that a man who never existed has saved his soul, and will greet him in heaven after he dies, your statement is trivially true OF ALL CHRISTIAN PREACHERS.

Oh boy, another atheist, who can't see into the infrared spectrum with naked eye or hear the same high notes as dogs, is going to lecture about how, "There's nothing out there."

Accusing a Christian preacher of being Marxist suggests you have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, I get the irony, since atheists, communists and marxists don't believe in God. Maoist China, Stalinist Russia and other fruitful utopian societies don't need God or religion.


>> ^quantumushroom:

How about this: an honest man has a better chance of landing a job than a convicted felon, even one who's been forthright.

Your assertion is demonstrably false, as appealing as it might be to believe it.

The chance a qualified black man with no criminal record has of getting a job is less than
the chance a qualified white man with a felony conviction has of getting that same job in the progressive city of New York, I doubt it's any better in the deep south. While we may both wish this was not the case, desire =/=> reality.

Excuses. And most American Blacks are middle class and do well. You just never hear about them because only crises buy votes.

That ignores the issue, impoverished communities are different things from individuals. While many individuals overcome hardships within a generation, communities do not.
When People move here from Ukraine, for instance, they take initiative to improve their lives, when people move out of the ghetto they do the same thing. If you want to compare middle class blacks to immigrants you will find no significant achievement disparity.

We don't count the people who stay behind in Ukraine, but we do count the people who stay behind in the ghetto, your claim is biased because you are not comparing like groups. If we add the population and average income of people in Ukraine to our statistics of the economic prosperity of Ukrainian immigrants they would do worse then the average black American, but you are not chastising all of Ukraine for not taking advantage of all the great breaks they have been given.

The question is not whether some individuals can overcome these hardships quickly, which is trivially provable, but whether entire communities do, in both of my examples the answer is no.

Oh boy, another atheist, who can't see into the infrared spectrum with naked eye or hear the same high notes as dogs, is going to lecture about how, "There's nothing out there."

I'm not the one who said that Dr. Wright, in his role as a preacher, should be "serving up rationality". If you don't want the irrationality of religion pointed out, don't bring rationality up in that context.

I didn't say I was a Marxist, only that you are using a label in an attempt to demonize someone when you don't appear to understand it's meaning. Marxist => Atheist =/=> Marxist.

The most prosperous societies are secular, even the US, despite it's cultural fetishization of Christianity, is a highly secular society composed mostly of unchurched Christians-in-name-only, who do very well without any real deference to their espoused god or religion.

Marxism fails because it is totalitarian, not because it is irreligious, just as Capitalist-Democracy succeeds to the extent that it avoids totalitarianism, religion(except as a political ploy) has nothing to do with it.


From Webster's:

a: marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional : extreme
b: tending or disposed to make extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions
c: of, relating to, or constituting a political group associated with views, practices, and policies of extreme change
d: advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs

None of these apply, unless you're implying that there's a tradition that forbids the description of racial grievances in public. Or your view is that the proposition of a black man being President is "extreme change".

As for those who want to call this "crazy", or "hate speech", it's certainly inflammatory language, but I hear truth in what he's saying.

I agree that we're in a country run by "rich, white, men", and while I disagree that Hillary fit that mold (she's rich and white, but not a man), I also disagree that Barack isn't "rich", except by way of comparison to Hillary and McCain. Either Democratic candidate at that stage would've been a break of that mold, and I couldn't be happier about that.

I also have to go out on a limb and say that Hillary probably never was called a n***er, but you can be damn sure Obama's been called one. Hell, he probably gets a thousand e-mails a day filled with it.

Anyone interested in Rev Wright should watch his appearance on Bill Moyers, and his speech to the NAACP given that same weekend. Then watch his appearance at the National Press Club that Monday, and then hear the aftermath from Bill Moyers, and see if it might not seem a bit sad.

He definitely likes to poke people right in the eye with his message, but passionate people often do that. Give him a couple hours of time to explain who he is, where he comes from, and what he's trying to do before you try to call him a "nutball" or "hatemonger", because he's not either one of those things at all.

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