Iranian Protesters stop the hanging of two men


"Stunning footage has emerged of protesters in the Iranian city of Sirjan rescuing two men from being hanged by the regime.

The video, uploaded to YouTube on Saturday, shows a brutal clash between Iranian authorities and protesters that was largely overlooked until Gateway Pundit found video footage of it. A Reuters report from last Wednesday stated that security forces "shot dead two gunmen" in the melee that followed the rescue, but, as Jim Hoft points out at Gateway Pundit, "the only ones with guns in the video are the regime thugs."

Footage shot by an amateur cameraman shows a crowd of people descending on a gallows where two men -- Esmail Fathi-Zadeh and Mohammad Esfandiarpoor, reportedly both convicted bank robbers -- are being hanged. Protesters rush the gallows and hold up the men, preventing them from choking to death, until someone manages to cut them down. Then gunshots can be heard, and the crowd flees as security officers rush the area.

The cameraman then finds his way to a young man, presumably a protester, lying on the ground. He has been shot in the chest.

Reuters reported that 25 people were injured in the melee."

In a "humane" hanging, the force of gravity accelerates the condemned to a point where his momentum will break his neck at the bottom of his drop. The kill happens relatively quick.

If you're going to draw it out, why not break out a fucking crucifix? Or you can be smart about your executions like China and make sure you can harvest their organs for the elites who need new livers.

Either way, it's all fucked up when you think about it.


Who knows what they really did to piss off the corrupt thugs that run their country. Anyone convicted by such a government should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.


Sure, on one hand the regime probably doesn't care about being humane but if they had done it properly the "criminals" would be dead.

>> ^Raaagh:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
If they saved those guys then they weren't hanged properly. You're not supposed to die of strangulation when hanged.

Proper according to who/what? I don't really think these regimes care about the clean kill.


Those gallows are clearly not high enough to be a clean kill, any idiot can see that. The rope is about 2 feet long and they're hanging off what looks like a swing like i have in my back garden, it's clearly a strangulation kill. Proper gallows, as anyone who has seen old footage of such contraptions, are very very tall and involve a trapdoor and a long fall to break the neck.

I believe there were cases where the fall was not enough and relatives/friends of the hanged person would go and pull on the legs/feet of the person to make it end quickier and less painfully.


>> ^dannym3141:
I believe there were cases where the fall was not enough and relatives/friends of the hanged person would go and pull on the legs/feet of the person to make it end quickier and less painfully.
There are also cases where the reverse happens. People are beheaded because the fall was too large or the rope too sharp.


^ Yeah man, heard of that too. They say the process was quite skilled, in a way. To know all the measurements required etc.

This style of hanging is called short drop, meaning you die of strangulation.. there's standard drop which is like 5 feet standard and i think long drop is variable and calculated based on a person's build and such. Both of the latter are designed to break a neck.

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