Insane Protest in London Streets - Cops Retreating Violence

Furious Protesters march on police and force police back several blocks while screaming Allah Akhbar!

I know emotions run high with this Gaza conflict, but if I was a police officer in that situation, I don't think I would have been able to act rationally. Survival mode wouldn't necessarily be the best way to self-preservation, if you know what I mean.

Watch it throughout. It gets worse with time. And Pay attention to the Orange jackets. I think they are protester ambassadors to keep the aggression levels down. You'll also notice many different types of people trying to appease the mob. I'm just glad I was not there


If you want a war with the cops, you don't get together in a big mob and let them outgun you with riot police, you slit their throats when they're isolated.

The guy filming this was a stupid, braying animal.


Moving this video to nomino's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.


"We don't need bad publicity" from the cameraman who's calling the police cowards, chasing the police and shouting provocative phrases. Good one.

Anyone know when this rally happened?

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