Three Mississippi kids spent years in the 1980s making a shot-for-shot remake of "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Here's the first ten minutes.(YT description)
Wikipedia ('Raiders' film page):
An amateur, near shot-for-shot remake was made by Chris Strompolos, Eric Zala and Jayson Lamb, then children in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. It took the boys seven years to finish, from 1982-1989. After production of the film, called Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation, wrapped in 1989, it was shelved and forgotten until 2003, where it was discovered by Eli Roth and acclaimed by Spielberg himself who congratulated the boys on their hard work and said he looked forward to seeing their names on the big screen. Scott Rudin and Paramount Pictures have purchased the trio's life rights and will be producing a film based on their adventures making their remake.
EDDFound this piece of geekish awesomeness via IGN, but here's youdiejoe's BBC Talking Movies review sift:
legacy0100Indiana Jones Temple Raiders Kingdom of the Last Crystal Doom Crusade
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