Inappropriate DirectHD Commercials

A parody of the popular DirectTV commercials. And it has a close up shot of a greasy, double-sided dildo. And it's inappropriate.

Via: ScrapeUp

I still dont know how to feel about all the HIV/AIDS humor of which am seeing more and more these days. On the one hand, it works to deflate the cultural stigma and fear of the disease, which may be a good thing. The opposite could also be said. I mean, AIDS humor is certainly no better or worse than all those AIDS-centered dramas from the nineties, because in many ways they dramatized it, which in its own way works to deflate its reality. The point is, since AIDS is still such a global horror, to me its still very much a question whether we can take videos like this lightly. Because, at first glance, its fairly superficial, isn't it?

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