Illinois State Representative Spews Hate at Atheist

From Youtube: Monique Davis (D-Chicago) interrupted atheist activist Rob Sherman during his testimony Wednesday afternoon before the House State Government Administration Committee in Springfield and told him, "What you have to spew and spread is extremely's dangerous for our children to even know that your philosophy exists!

"This is the Land of Lincoln where people believe in God," Davis said. "Get out of that seat...You have no right to be here! We believe in something. You believe in destroying! You believe in destroying what this state was built upon."

Incidentally, she was Olbermann's worst person tonight.

Her contact info:

Springfield Office:
241-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0010
(217) 782-1795 FAX

District Office:
1234 West 95th Street
Chicago, IL 60643
(773) 445-9700
(773) 445-5755 FAX


^ Yeah, but I thought this video was superior to the others I found in some important ways. The bit at the end was the cost, but all things considered I thought it was (barely) worth it to post this version.

Either way, though, I don't see what you mean by saying it was "counterproductive." The point of the post was to expose the ignorance and meanspirited nature of a powerful person, and to provide her contact info so she could be held accountable. As near as I can tell, that gets accomplished just fine--even with the (admittedly) "unnecessary" bit at the end.


Magic is REAL!
<this was sent to the Representative>

An Atheist has as much right to express their opinion in the public arena as does any zealot. Denying an atheist the right to speak freely and openly in a public forum simply shows ignorance, and a complete lack of understanding of what it is to live under the U.S Constitution. I suggest you read it sometime. It truly is an amazing piece of work. Not without faults for sure, but truly impressive.

The founding fathers of our nation were not textbook Christians, nor was this nation founded on Christian dogma, but rather sparked from a desire to obtain freedom FROM the European majority/establishment which threateningly pushed religious servitude into the lives of the early peoples. They were fleeing from religious oppression in Europe. A total lack of religious freedom beyond the scope of the so-called establishment. Namely fundamentalist Catholicism.

Take this not as being completely adverse to religion as a whole. Most people were religious in the past, just not within the 'framework' being forced upon them in the old world. They were the 'progressives' or 'liberals' of their day.

Those non-Christian Africans who were unfortunate enough to be enslaved by their Christian oppressors were ultimately conquered both physically and spiritually as they were broken in body AND in spirit as they lost their own identity. They were once a proud people with their own culture and entirely non-Christian religions. Unique, and different than their very European bred conquerors. Ultimately, they embraced the religion of their captors over the generations. It is not their fault for succumbing. It is the fault of their so-called moral authority. The Christian oppressors whom were granted the right to enslave by their all mighty God and their moral guidelines as dictated by their Holy Bible. Whatever revision, rewrite, re-translation it happened to be at the given moment.

No one perspective is 'ENTIRELY RIGHT'. No one perspective is TRUE. To believe so is to be naive.


She got up on the atheist pulpit, 'bout as much as the tunnel-reality bound atheist got up on the Lincoln Pulpit...I see two equal and opposite reactions, with regard to some alleged belief systems-So???....What is this atheist whining about anyhow????
Politics has little to do with it......


She's another person who doesn't understand what an atheist is, or what school prayer is.

An atheist is anybody who does not believe in a supernatural overlord. We're all atheists w.r.t. some kind of deity e.g. Zeus or Thor.

School Prayer is an *official act* of the school to set aside a time exclusively for prayer and entice students to pray during that time. This is very different from just allowing students to pray individually during their lunch break. The former is banned by SCOTUS, and the latter is (of course) still allowed and always will be allowed even if atheists become the majority in the US.

Japan, Norway, Sweden, and lots of other free, democratic, and prosperous countries have atheist majorities. Yet she, being ignorant of that, goes on as if atheists are some kind of cult bent on destroying the world. That kind of resembles Hitler's delusions about the Jews.


supernatural overlord???!!!....I believe in the benevolent omni-being, that overlord fella's got a bad rap, and his friends suck-

oh yeah, I remember all them daze in grade school, (70's) when I was "enticed" into prayer.....schools were fuckin' full of it!!

All cults have their crude beginnings, mine is still in the fermentation stages..

Get all fucking athiesty and see what the fuck I care about what anyone believes, as it relates to keeping their job....


and the title and tags.."Spews Hate at Atheist"....see, even atheists practice the crude art of inflammatory bullshit.....

defending a side??...No. Pointing out the absurdity as it relates to real-time issues much more dire.....
fuck Christains, and Apetheists-In the inimitable words of Lord Worfin, "This ain't my planet, Monkeyboy!"


A lot of times when people don't understand or disagree with someone else's position, they create aspects within it that have never been stated in order to maintain their dislike. In this case, she brings up two very non sequitor arguments. The first one is that this atheist must support guns in schools because to her that is the opposite and equal reaction to being opposed to prayer in schools. Her second argument is that because this man is an atheist, he must be a supporter of destruction and opposed to progress.

Now, granted I don't know who the atheist in question is or a specific layout of his particular beliefs, but I do believe she would use the same pathos based non sequitor arguments against me. In which I would first respond by saying that an opposition to prayer in public schools is not synonymous with the desire to have guns in schools. If one were to believe that, than it could be argued that when our founding fathers drafted the 1st Amendment of our Constitution, they inadvertantly supported guns in schools through the Establishment Clause. It is not difficult to see that this argument does not work. My second response to her vitriole, is that as an atheist, I do not in any way favor destruction. In fact, I exalt human progress and achievement. To strive for anything less would be immoral and wrong.

Oh, yes, one last comment. Her belief that it is dangerous for children to even know that his philosophy exists. She is denying children in the state of Illinois, or anywhere for that matter, the right to figure out things for themselves. She, in essence, is denying them the right to think. To question her own belief system, to her is an attack, and she will not allow it. Hardly the founding principles of this country.


THIS IS NOT ABOUT SCHOOL PRAYER! The idiot governor of Illinois promised one million dollars to this church, the money mistakenly was given to a school that was renting space on the church grounds and has since moved, and now the church wants a million dollars directly. It was a kiss ass move by a Governor who is champion of the kiss ass move. After the incredibly sad campus shootings in February at Northern Illinois university, the Governor pledged 40 million dollars to tear down the lecture hall in which the shootings took place, and build a new one. The list goes on with this chowder head, and I think Illinois is heading toward simultaneously-imprisoned Governors.

The atheist was questioning why the state government is handing out money to churches for no apparent reason other than to purchase votes. The State Representative went apeshit 'cause she WANTS that million dollars worth of votes in her district.


I think Choggie and I might be on the same side of this issue (not that I can understand anything he said. )

Here's the thing everybody has to keep in mind, currently there is a huge "religion is the root of our problems" movement, not just publicly but person-to-person in private. For too long Christians (in America) have been raised believing they were the majority and that they were correct. Now everybody wants to make sure they know they are doing things wrong by putting religion into public policy and by assuming that they are more Christian by saving everyone from themselves. I'm glad that this is happening, I'm on this guys (the unnamed atheist) side

However, this is starting to get out of hand. It seems like what everybody who started speaking up wanted was a voice for everyone, but the scales are tipping to where now the atheists get to go around assuming they are the majority and making hateful comments about the Christians as if everyone is on their side (not the guy in the video! just in general). She's hating on atheists as much as atheists are hating on her. Both sides are feeling hate, but it's only worsened by others backing one hate over the other.

Those making public policy need to understand that they are representing everyone, not just everyone they agree with. But I think we're losing something if every time someone speaks for their side they get grouped with the evil-ones. Some people spew hate (maybe this lady?), some people are bigots (probably this lady), but other people still can have a belief and not impose it on everyone around them. Religion does not evil make, actions on the other hand... well we all know how loud those speak.


agreed, and if it were not folks hating using the god/nogod scenario, the basic nature of these folks, Jew or Goyim, Christian, Pagan or snake-charmer, remains unchanged.
God can only do so much for damaged goods-This woman is a fool, and the retort in video form, has that putrefying odor emenation from the hating, which is so popular in the realm, of "Why I don't believe in God" online.....sick of it....worse than any fundie-bible stacker.....BLEEGHH!....
Find a better way, young atheist, to spread the gospel of the yer brand of good news, and take a fucking happy pill fer crissa....imaginary, sacrificial icon (he was black)ssakes.... That better for you unbelievers??? to try to please everybody, when I'm pissing from a balcony, onto their parade.....


Where did this guy ever say anything hateful to provoke the Congresswoman? The claim that they're doing the same thing is ridiculous. He's apparently just enforcing the establishment clause of the first amendment, which generally prohibits government funding of religious activities.


>> ^jwray:
Where did this guy ever say anything hateful to provoke the Congresswoman? The claim that they're doing the same thing is ridiculous. He's apparently just enforcing the establishment clause of the first amendment, which generally prohibits government funding of religious activities.

I'm not sure which comment this is a response to, but I agree with you, and HistNerd and Critttter. The representative is totally in the wrong here. These two people are not doing the same thing, one is spewing hate, the other is defending America, or at least IL. The sift just seems to have a tilt to it, considering it's run on dead babies that's not surprising . I just like to moderate things.


>> ^jwray:
Where did this guy ever say anything hateful to provoke the Congresswoman?

I think there's some "this guy" confusion. I think most of the comments faulting "this guy" are directed at the jackass who made the video and decided the productive response to bigotry is "fuck you, bitch!", not "this guy" who is speaking in the video.


>> ^Fjnbk:
Ironically, Lincoln may be the closest we've ever come to having an atheist president.

...maybe thats why he was such a tyrannical dictator.

Sorry, I'm kidding. Except about Lincoln being a tyrannical dictator.


>> ^jwray:
Where did this guy ever say anything hateful to provoke the Congresswoman?

you misunderstand-that comment was for the creator of this vid, not the atheist congresswoman, who was perfectly reasonable-Of course the moron Christian rep. is an idiot-The constant flash of Lincoln facts, after she makes her statement is like a High-school kid, going to a second-grade class, and pointing out some kid picking his nose and screaming, "LOOK!! EWWWW! LOOK WhAT HE DID!!" fucking sophomoric, which is how all these "Why atheists are so superior, in their impeccable logic" video productions come off.......craptacular!!
.....think you got it all down, in some feel-good package, just as Christians do, in their incomplete belief system? Think the fuck, again....and again and again, because rest-assured, goddamned christians and, goddamned atheists..."You don't know half of anything!"


oh yeah, and whoever takes time to contact this woman, who has no vested interest in the state, and simply wants to tell her how ignorant she is????....
Ineffectual. Diversion.
Better time would be spent writing them concerning our dissolving borders.


Ah, the joys of being religiously intolerant and in power. See kids? You don't have to use your brain to critically think about issues when you have a position of status. Too bad the position is occupied by the intellectually retarded.

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