Ice Station Zebra - Trailer (1968)

" of the films made during the 1960's that depicted the tensions that existed in the Cold War era. The Soviet Union has launched a satellite containing a camera that is taking pictures of United States defense bases, etc. That satellite, upon reentry, takes a mysterious trajectory that causes it to crash land at a British weather station located at the top of the world, Ice Station Zebra by name. The United States sends a submarine on the mission to find the satellite, a passenger from British secret service goes along to provide expert knowledge, and along the way, a non-communist Russian is added to the passenger list. This makes for some rather tense moments on the voyage, there is a possible sabotage effort aboard the sub, and all folks involved are wondering of the possibilities of a spy aboard the submarine..." from the IMDb comment section:

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'submarine, mcgoohan, cold, war, 60s' to 'submarine, mcgoohan, cold, war, 60s, borgnine, rock hudson, jim brown' - edited by therealblankman

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