I Don't Speak No English

A group of soldiers stop to ask a guy for directions. He doesnt understand English but the man can party.

wtf? this has to be staged!

[edit] I watched it again, and its does seem spontaneous... funny either way though... dude probably went home to his friends and was like, "Guess what those fucking crazy ass Americans did today..."


Hmm. That wasn't a Humvee. It's a pickup truck. I can tell from the mirror. I would doubt they are soldiers, and that this was even Iraq. 1)No Kevlar 2) No Flak jacket 3)No weapon 4)Different colored clothing


Tags for this video have been changed from 'iraq, party, soliders, dont, speak, english, dance' to 'iraq, party, soldiers, dont, speak, english, dance' - edited by raven

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