How NOT to train a husky puppy to go "down"

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My friend Jen is trying to get our puppy to go "down" and it's not working.I apologize for the music, if it bothers you please mute or leave me a personal message. Thank you! I just changed the name of the video because I just realized from the comments posted that I shouldn't put this as "training a husky to go down." This is NOT the proper way to train a husky; the girl in this video is just a friend who never had a pet and was playing with him but I was Pepper's trainer, and I did not train him this way. I used the method taught to me by obedience class at the ASPCA. In my opinion, any inexperienced owner who gets a puppy or adopts an older dog should take a class. My first time training a dog I took this class and I only didn't take Pepper to one because I still remembered everything they taught me. Check out my other video of pepper when he's older if you want to see the tricks he learned over time. I know youtube viewers often complain about annoying voices in the background and I had many friends over talking in the background. Since Pepper didn't make any noise in this video, I replaced the audio with a song I thought was silly. If it annoys you, please watch the video in mute, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Doing very well it looks like. Training puppies with treats is faster than with praise alone (taught a 10-week-old border collie bitch 3 tricks in one day with some left-over pork fried-rice!). Its ok to make puppy lie down by gently sliding his legs down from a sitting position while using a one-word command but make sure it completes the prostration before you give him the treat or praise or you'll confuse it.
At the end there it looked exactly like it should for a "roll-over" command. The puppy followed the treat in the hand and rolled completely over! That is a trick I'll bet shep here will learn fast!

Hooray for puppies learning tricks!

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