How Much for a 30 Second TV Ad (Videographic)

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Brought to you by http://ustelevision.comIn the United States a 30 second television ad on a Wednesday night averages between $64,000 and $502,900, depending on the network. Let's take a quick look at what else you could do with half a million dollars.

Interesting stuff, in an obnoxious style.

$500,000 for 30 seconds of something with no tangible value is weird. I know people who insist that advertising does nothing to them, that their purchase decisions aren't based on what they see in ads at all. Hmm.


Do the authors think you can get a primetime TV spot for the cost of a cheeseburger or something? Maybe a Super Bowl spot for the price of two Top Ramens and a slab of bacon?

ANY time there's scarcity you need money to regulate it, and the more scarce something is (like primetime TV minutes) and the more people value it (like primetime TV minutes) the higher the price will be.

Fucking study economics, idiots.


No wonder they pay people to gimp devices so you have to watch those ads, I'd be pissed if I paid half a million dollars and you didn't watch my 30 second ad.

Although I'd argue the scarcity of commercials, they seem to be getting more plentiful as the years go by, seems the scarcity thing was forgotten awhile back. Hour long show is really 40 minutes show and 20 minutes commercials. And hell they even put commercials and stuff in during the credit, on the screen at the bottom while watching and even during the opening bits. Not to mention product placing and what not. Hawaii 5-0 cars and tech placement even mentioning features of the cars and tech during the show.

So.......scarcity.....meh. Content not revolving around advertising is probably the real scarcity.

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