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How Marijuana Works

Really interesting. In the usual Videojug format. Questions include: What is marijuana? What causes a marijuana high? How long will it show up in a urine test? Is there any reliable scientific evidence that marijuana has medical value? Etc etc

too bad a gram costs $50 in Japan. And you can get up to 5 years for it. It's funny how big of a deal it is when a college student gets caught with it. It is literally front page news here. People here think it's some sort of epidemic and that the very fabric of Japanese culture is unraveling. And of course, if a Japanese person gets caught with it, they say they bought it from a foreigner. And that is just bullshit. Who supplies it to the county? The Yakuza, and they are untouchable. My point is-if some countries still have a backward view of marijuana, then it does not seem possible in my eyes to have medical marijuana available outside of the States. I really am a supporter of medical marijuana (and recreation use) it helps cancer patients keep their food down after the Chemo and has many other benefits as he described here. Go weed!

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