How Christopher Hitchens deals with a 911 truther

Especially poignant considering he knew at the time how little time he had left.

Stupid response that I would expect from some corrupt POS politician or CEO only.
Why not simply use facts against these "truthers"? There are more than enough to shut them up and make them look stupid. But if you reply to them with ignorance, they will feel confirmed and will just keep coming.


Simple: it doesn't matter how many facts or how stupid you make them look, they will still waste your time. The basic facts have been available for a decade now, and Truthers are still out there. Why would they stop believing it now?

>> ^coolhund:

Stupid response that I would expect from some corrupt POS politician or CEO only.
Why not simply use facts against these "truthers"? There are more than enough to shut them up and make them look stupid. But if you reply to them with ignorance, they will feel confirmed and will just keep coming.


>> ^heropsycho:

Simple: it doesn't matter how many facts or how stupid you make them look, they will still waste your time. The basic facts have been available for a decade now, and Truthers are still out there. Why would they stop believing it now?
>> ^coolhund:
Stupid response that I would expect from some corrupt POS politician or CEO only.
Why not simply use facts against these "truthers"? There are more than enough to shut them up and make them look stupid. But if you reply to them with ignorance, they will feel confirmed and will just keep coming.

Because I have witnessed it. When you confront them with hard facts they dont know what to say anymore and then start insulting. So they prove to everyone listening that they are just dumb. And thats what this is all about. If you start with ignorance towards them, then they only feel stronger.

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