Houston Zoo Lion Feeding

Uploader Description: Feeding time at the Houston Zoo. Zoo personnel select visitors to pull on ropes tied to the meat being fed to the lions to pull the meat away from the lion. I'm sure this isn't at all provocative to the Lion.

This is insanity! "Hold on tight!" OMG.
Who gave that a green light? Who said "yeah, that's a great idea!"? You know?
I mean, who???
Unless, of course, for some reason the zoo staff are trying to get the lion to have to work/fight for its food because it might help keep certain instincts fullfilled about food so it won't do something unpredictable? (Long shot, but I'm trying...)


I saw a news piece on this last week. Apparently it is an "enrichment" activity for the lions they do once a month. The meat is an extra "treat" for the lions, and the zoo claims they are well feed before this activity.

I think zoo often have a problem with their animals, especially big cats, being inactive. So it's important for zoos to try and promote activity, and really meat is one of the few things that motivates lions, but I question the wisdom of the tug-of-war with the visitors. I suppose that depends on the animals reaction to it. Are they pissed and frightened or are they just doing something that comes naturally to them. On another note, you'd think they could come up with another activity, but I suppose this has the obvious added benefit trying to get people into the zoo.

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