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Homemade Gaza rockets, launched into Israel

I'm only posting this for its newsworthiness, not as an endorsement of violence. From Current TV:

Zouheir Alnajjar, a Collective Journalism contributor who lives in Gaza, gives us an exclusive look at a group of Palestinian militants who make - and set off - homemade rockets headed for Israel.

For years Palestinian militant groups such as Hamas have fired these homemade rockets into Israeli towns and settlements as a means of resistance against the IDF and Israeli occupation or embargoes. Thousands of rockets have fallen on Israel and over a dozen have been killed.

Actually, the piece says "fewer than 10 deaths have been reported", leading me to believe this is actually a pro-palestinian piece. It seems as though the piece is trying to present the terrorists as an unorganized, unequipped, bunch of hooligans, who fire animal manure rockets that don't even get off the ground.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are such groups. However, there are also well-equipped, well-organized terrorists, as evidenced by rockets still being fired so late into the current conflict. The other thing that piece doesn't refer to is that the goal and effect of terrorism is much more than deaths. In that, at least, the Palestinian terrorists are extremely successful.

Since I consider myself somewhat biased, I looked up some statistics:

According to Israeli security services, 790 rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel since the current conflict began. Each of those rockets and shells sends population of entire cities into shelters.

MDA (the Israeli Red Cross) has treated 800 psychological trauma and injury victims since the beginning of the conflict.


Interesting video. I agree that it is designed to portray the terrorists as bumble-fuck model rocket enthusiasts.

The rocket shown was a Qassam rocket: homemade, short range and inconsistant quality. Far more deadly are the Grad (Katushya) rockets: longer range, industrially produced, an old Soviet design. These are imported en mass from Iran, by way of the smuggling tunnels under the Egyptian border.

Even with the embargo in place thousands of these are brought in every year. And the Palestinian apologists want the so-called embargo lifted, and the ports open. Can you imagine the weapons they would import then?


>> ^Rambaldi:
Actually, the piece says "fewer than 10 deaths have been reported", leading me to believe this is actually a pro-palestinian piece. It seems as though the piece is trying to present the terrorists as an unorganized, unequipped, bunch of hooligans, who fire animal manure rockets that don't even get off the ground.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are such groups. However, there are also well-equipped, well-organized terrorists, as evidenced by rockets still being fired so late into the current conflict. The other thing that piece doesn't refer to is that the goal and effect of terrorism is much more than deaths. In that, at least, the Palestinian terrorists are extremely successful.
Since I consider myself somewhat biased, I looked up some statistics:
According to Israeli security services, 790 rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel since the current conflict began. Each of those rockets and shells sends population of entire cities into shelters.
MDA (the Israeli Red Cross) has treated 800 psychological trauma and injury victims since the beginning of the conflict.

To bad there is no music when that 105 millimeter round misfires. Acting like one side doesn't aim to kill the other sides civilians is something I find very amusing. Please continue. Each side is out to destroy the other, that is the crux of the situation. A petty situation at that.

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