Hitler - 'Triumph Of The Will' - The pinnacle of propaganda

Now don't go hating on me for trying to sift this. I'm just as appalled by the Third Reich as any one of you here, being that I'm one of the 'untermenschen'. But somebody HAS to sift this. The cinematography is brilliant, and it was shit like this that mobilized an entire nation to war, and turned many of its citizens into ruthless murderers. This is history, and if we don't try to understand it we're doomed. You don't even have to watch the whole thing, because even I haven't. There's only so much that one person can take. But watch it anyway so you can learn the signs of fascism, especially when a government is trying to sell you a bill of goods. Peace.

You're right, dystopian. Today's shit is much more clever and subtle when compared to the overt racism of this screed. But there's still an object lesson to be learned from this film, and if I have to explain this to anyone then they're probably beyond hope. Seriously.


I have never seen this before. It was mentioned in the History Channel's recent two-part, 4 hour documentary special: "The Third Reich: The Rise and Fall" which uses never seen before footage from home movies of the German citizens, as well as allied troops. It was very well made, but some of the scenes were very disturbing to watch. If you haven't seen the special yet, I highly recommend it. You may start to think about things differently.

I have noticed while watching that documentary, there are a lot of similarities to what's going on in America these days. Creating enemies to justify wars, Demonizing Muslims, (they are the new Jews), the whole, "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality of the post 9/11 Bush era, the Wiki Leaks controversy, wiretapping our citizens, recruiting people to spy on their neighbors (a more recent development), etc. From what I saw in that documentary, if we continue down the path we are treading today, America will swiftly become the Fourth Reich.



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