Hell: An Excessive Punishment

"Do you think people should be tortured? Could you stand by and watch a person being tortured slowly by fire until they died? What crime would they have to commit, in your opinion, to deserve such a punishment? If you locked someone in a burning room, would that play on your conscience?

Some people seem to believe that atheists deserve an infinitely grislier fate than this, simply for doubting the existence of a god that doesn't openly present itself. I've always been curious about that. " [/yt]

like a guy from the 16th century said (most guys from back than were smarter than they are now)

hell ain't circumscribed in one place,
but where we are there hell is

but this is lowbrow stuff, where are the cat videos?


try to live in a third-world country...it's already hell

so if you're a dirt poor atheist/Buddhist/shintoist/fuckist/believer-of-a-god-but-not-the-"right"-godist, living in a dirt poor country, it will be a double hell for you...

oh God, you're one egomaniac psychopathic twisted fuck!

but forgive me lord, for I don't know what I'm saying...

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