Harvey Fineberg: Are we ready for neo-evolution?

From YT: Medical ethicist Harvey Fineberg shows us three paths forward for the ever-evolving human species: to stop evolving completely, to evolve naturally -- or to control the next steps of human evolution, using genetic modification, to make ourselves smarter, faster, better. Neo-evolution is within our grasp. What will we do with it?

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Double-Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 5:00pm PDT - doublepromote requested by gwiz665.


I find these bio-ethicist talks super-boring.

"Hello. This one guy did this great experiment like 5 years ago. I'm going to now take the obvious extension of this work and act like I'm the first person to realize that we could soon be doing this in humans... But wait!... Should we do this is humans?! Ok, thats my time, thanks."


... to continue my previous rant, ... these bio-ethicists like to paint the pictures like we understand waaay more than we actually do about genetics and epigenetics.

Many medical researchers are still afraid (appropriately, in my mind) that the various stem cell treatment and gene therapies will actually give people cancers in the long term.



Lots of stuff is working in the lab. It takes a long time to bring it into clinical use, though. Any impediments like increased cancer rates will be solved in time. Even small medical advances can be miraculous when you're going to die otherwise. People are, though, free to refuse new medical treatments and die, if that's their desire.

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