Hamas fires from Alarabiya Press building, reporter lols

Alarabiya-TV Reporter Hannan al-Masri learning of a Hamas Missile being fired from the ground floor of the building housing the Alarabiya studio.

Doesn't seem to bother her too much... however if Israel retaliated there would be a huge outcry that the IDF is "targetting TV stations".

What is your point exactly?

The reporter is expressing shock and surprise in this video by the way.

Israel had a media blockade in the whole of Gaza. Al-Arabiya is based in Dubai Media City. There are no studios in a war zone, reporters take position in any available place.

Many Arab reporters were killed in Iraq because they refused to abide by report restrictions imposed on them, Al Arabiya seen its reporters killed in Iraq for non-sectarian reportage, Al Jazeera lost cameramen in vague circumstances when a A-10 fired on it's position.

The Youtube channel this comes from is full of anti-Palestinian and pro-Israel clips and shit. Hardly objective either.


>> ^Farhad2000:
What is your point exactly?
The reporter is expressing shock and surprise in this video by the way.

Oh really? I guess those were nervous smiles.

Look at seconds 10-13 and 37-41...

If I'd hear such news, my reaction would be consternation and worry. Her expressions are nothing less than (barely restrained) jubilation and a dash of smug satisfaction.

And what about the source? If some Palestinian gentleman posts some video of Israeli attacks it's A-OK, however if Israelis shares images of Palestinian attacks they have no value because "they're not objective"?

I don't know Farhad... probably because of where you live your thoughts aren't "objective" either?


The reporter is saying is this a raid? What? they are firing from our side? Are they crazy to fire a rocket from here?

Shock affects people differently, a reporter in a war zone cannot afford to consistently express worry or consternation because they are in a war zone, because they wouldn't be able to report then. This is days into the conflict. Am sure they have seen far more dangerous situations.

My note about the Youtube channel is a warning that the information presented is skewed. No one is posting Hamas videos on VS are they?

You posted videos that come directly from the IDFnadesk, so don't go questioning my objectivity.

This post is a cheap attempt to demonize the Arabs and Palestinians as a whole.


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