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HAARP,Chemtrails, and Freeman

This ditty attempts to explain the connection between alllll the UFO stories you ever heard, and the nefarious nature of such wonderful entities as Raytheon, The Department of the Navy, all those abbreviation departments, HAARP, mind control and hostile alien involvement in your child's birthday. This has it all, with grave music, convincing narration, and some cool stock footage. Popcorn with butter, please.

Actually I alaways thought Weather Mod was crazy sci fi stuff, but look at recent announcement by China and Olympics and using weatermod for crops and stuff. Crazy stuff. You know how many billions have been spent??


and they wanna send Nasa up with an aurora boreallis studying satellite as well.....hmmmm... weather control could be a boon to a could mind control, .....crowd control?????\\Libido control is outta the question......i won't eat it...Tesla did claim to have a way to make earthquakes while he was at Wardenclyff....what, alomost a hundred years ago


and then there's the type of over-delicate and fastidious nay-sayers, who would no doubt wear the blindfold, and call the thing an elephant, only after an official report, the resulting datum from only official sources, some tactile close-inspection, and then peeking through the blindfold to satisfy THAT apparatus.

Q: Do you believe everything you hear, with the "official" stamp on it, simply because the spokesmen, whose vested interest in a project precludes him telling all, says, "This is what it is. Here are my credentials. You don't need to know any more than what we tell you"

What, pray tell fair reader, IS HAARP?
Here, let the officials tell you, and you be satisfied with limited, incomplete, information, to come to a conclusion.


Funny-the homepage for HAARP has gone through many iterations, these poor Raytheon guys keep having to change their stories, while sticking to the original framework of their public affairs campaign......"We are the largest defense contractor on the planet, studying the aurora! RIGHT??!

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