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Growing Pains Kirk Cameron Takes On Homosexuality


The Way of the Master series and website are such great comedy. One day, Cameron may drop the Christian Guy character and be revealed as America's Sacha Baron Cohen.

Though it is more likely that he is just a dreadful Leviticus-lovin' pedant.


"we are not homophobick we are just sinophobick"

that would still make you homophobick. seems to me the majority of christains are just people that are incapable of resoning ore understanding logick.

its like the difrence of religoin to philosiphy the majorty of christains would most probably belive that thay are both pritty mutch the same thing ( granted religoin dose have some philosiphy in it ) but the difrence between sound philosphy and religoin is that the core pionts on whitch an indavidual philosiphy is based on can be argued where as the core of a religoin is simply the case of me taking someones word for something with no evidence.

people who belive in the bible litraly are stupid uneducated ore brainwashed from birth .

and people who belive in the bible non litraly whitch i belive it was writen for are missinformed as there are far better books to read with far sounder and resonable philosphy to base ones life on.

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