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Good Eats - The Beer Show

Alton Brown demonstrates the process for making beer.

>> ^MrFisk:
The full episodes are great. I specifically spent much more time finding the whole episode for ease with which to watch.

I agree, and if it were just up to me, that rule wouldn't exist. So complain to the management, not me. I'm just trying to get an answer from dag about how he wants the rule implemented. Are these supposed to be discarded? Do we keep them until a take down notice is sent for each? Or do we just leave the rule unenforced - in which case, why have it at all?


Damnit, this law blows..seriously. No offense, but if TPTB aren't complaining then lets enjoy our full lengths when we get the chance.

We're not supposed to care what execs say, we're only linking to them anyhow?

That being said, I love Alton Brown.


is anyone gonna comment on the video itself? I for one enjoyed this vid. Not that I presently have the resources to try it out myself, but I'd love to in the future and I support anyone who does -- I'll show my appreciation in consumption. <hic>


>> ^swampgirl:
No one is showing up w/ pitchforks and torches sooooo let's try return

I wasn't expecting a mob - just management to step in and make a decision. I don't think the vid should go anywhere except back to the front page. But the FAQ says otherwise. Either we should update the FAQ or otherwise ensure that it's correct.


The unwritten rules are like this:

Dag worries, with good cause, that one asshole's letter, from one asshole law-ya, will drain whatever coffers reserved for the goddamn inevitable.

Mr.Fisk, ya whining child-wonder all you ya will, this slippery slope affects your personal passion for beer, and tomorrow, if this site was not here, you could slink back to yer puter mommy got you for xmas, making yer swill stovetop beer, in bumfuck Nebraska or where ever the hell you live, and your memory, as well as ours of you, would vanish as quickly. I like ya, so take it personal, or not.

Go buy Alton's dvd's, go read a beer-makin' book, or wander up to some local enthusiats and get tips...collect bottles, get the gear (it's cheap)-fun hobby.

My hobbies are making people think outside their comfort zones, and pissing against high southerly winds.....and I have made beer.


>> ^Trancecoach:
is anyone gonna comment on the video itself? I for one enjoyed this vid. Not that I presently have the resources to try it out myself, but I'd love to in the future and I support anyone who does -- I'll show my appreciation in consumption. <hic>

Sure. I brewed for a couple of years back in the 80s, never had a bad batch though I did have some that were better than others. I liked a good India Pale Ale which was easy enough to do without refrigeration, more complex than some with the added crystal malts and such but it was worth the effort.

Main reason I stopped was because we had kids and got more animals. It's supposed to be kept quiet, cool and still for a while and we had no place in the house that was any of them for more than hours at a time. If you love beer and can keep it *clean* it's worth the effort though. Cut a corner on keeping it clean and you might as well save your time.


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