Global Warming & The Future of Coal - High Tech New Plants

The Center for American Progress decided to go for the coal technology route and describes how the CO2 extraction process works in their plan to utilize the vast coal deposits in America.

I personally find it disturbing for a few reasons:

1.) What is the long term effect to the planet of storing vast amounts of gaseous CO2 10,000 feet below the surface?

2.) I recently signed a petition to help protest against the displacement of one of the last Indian reservations in Kentucky because they want to mine for coal at that location. Will our Govt. look out for these native Americans or will history repeat itself?

3.) In Richmond, Va. a school is being closed in order to mine for coal at that location. Protestors arrested.

Will this industry be laying claim to any location where coal exists? I remember Pelosi stated that there were 12 different plans on CSPAN. What are the other options she's referring to?

We may take collective heads out of asses one day perhaps looking back on absurdities like this as part of a linear and decayed paradigm, but not without some doozies first.....This sounds like one more way for the global-warming-by-humans camp to fist-fuck the planet out of some gas money-

...and good ol' Mr. Sun just keeps pumping out the heat, and giggling his thermonuclear little laugh..


The US has enough coal to ween itself off of foreign oil completely. Coal can be turned into cleaner burning gasoline and diesel [1]. We can also build modern cleaner coal fired power plants and use algae bioreactors to reduce the NOx and Co2 emissions, and the algae from those bioreactors can then be turned into biodiesel [2].


Center for American Progress = socialist think tank. (No one said they were neutral).

I'm all for cleaner, more efficient technologies (innovations which are created by the free market and capitalism, not Al Snore) but that's not what's really on the agenda here.

The earth has been heating and cooling for billions of years. Co2 levels follow global temperature, not the other way around.

Global-warming-by-humans is both scientifically unproven and a scam, just another way to get government control over everyone's lives. As if these crooked bastards don't have enough already....

We're fools if we cave to arrogant sniff-sniffs like Her Thighness Hillary, Greenhorn B. Hussein Obama and other assorted elites who, like royalty of old, think they know people better than they know themselves, and therefore what's best for all.

Rubbish. Poppycock. Codswallop. And a lot of other unprintable words in the dictionary.


I agree with you quantum, The Center for American Progress is a socialist think tank instituted by neocon elites and most likely was originally thought up at a Bilderberg or Trilateral convention. Yes, the underlying agenda is a branch of the nexus of deceit by the New World Order that would allow the shareholders of the energy businesses to extract more profits from raping our nation in another way.

The global warming issue is yet another way for them to justify exercising pollution taxation and control.
While there is the issue of air pollution in cities, scientists have concluded that the Earth goes through natural cycles of warming and cooling.
It is conceivable that the continuation of pumping more hydrocarbons into the atmostphere may be altering the warming effect that we're experiencing. There are several proponents to this theory such as a couple of Harvard researchers say: "the Sun is increasing in brightness and radiance."

I know this sounds a bit out there and it seems crazy to state these things to some people, however after researching and analyzing as much data as I could get a hold of, I've come across many smoking guns relating to public and international policy relating to energy.

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