Girl Gets Caught Watching Porn in a University Library

Girl panicks when a porn video unexpectedly plays on her laptop in the University Library and she can't stop it.

We did this at my old job...

When someone is away from their desk, but logged into their computer, you change the startup sound to a recording from a porn. Only works if the person doesn't habitually have their headphones plugged in (although most people won't notice if you later unplug the headphones after they've left the office for the day ). When they boot up the computer next morning everyone in the office gets a laugh.

Of course, I don't recommend doing this unless you work in a very kick-back office with bosses who have a good sense of humor. Also be aware it'll make everyone in the office paranoid for the next month, so they'll log out of their system every time time they go to the bathroom or get up to grab a coffee.

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