The UN Millennium Declaration (from GOOD Magazine)

From YT: "In 2000, 189 nations came together and made a promise to eradicate extreme poverty by 2015. (Extreme poverty is defined as living on less than a dollar a day). This promise led to the Millennium Declaration - a document outlining 8 specific goals to help the world realize this promise."

I think far too many people fall into New Year's Resolution Syndrome. They need to not forget about their promises or goals just a short time after they make them.


Malaria..... I did a study on genetically modified mosquitoes when I was in college. This method, while it proves to be effective is denied. They can genetically modify mosquitoes that reject the malaria parasite and release them into the population to breed with other mosquitoes and alter them so they cannot carry malaria. The World Health Organization is preventing this from happening because of the fact that they are genetically modified. This was the best solution for fighting malaria to date and was stopped in it's tracks.


I was part of the NGO movement in Uni and after working to promote the MDGs I have come to the conclusion that it is nothing but empty feel good rhetoric put together by nations that really couldn't care less whether or not the actual goals will be met.

All steam and no locomotion.


The duration of this video has been updated from unknown to 3:14 - length declared by cricket.

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