Football Touchdowns just got that more confusing

Alright Football fans, someone try and explain this one...

Before the football is thrown and is knocked from behind... however at the way the football is knocked out of his hand, it looked like it was thrown... Someone takes advantage of the situation and a touchdown is achieved...

This is more dumbfounding than that walking past the defense...

It's always seems like these are very controversial, but in this case he clearly was not moving his arm when he was hit... therefore fumble recovery leading to touchdown. It was very surprising to me when watching the game that no one reacted sooner than they did to pick it up and run it in. You gotta pay attention to the whistle.


Exactly. It wasn't an incomplete pass, it was a fumble (as the ball was knocked out of the QB's hand while his arm was back) and, as the whistle wasn't blown, it was a live ball that could be picked up for a short sprint to the end zone.
>> ^Stingray:

It's always seems like these are very controversial, but in this case he clearly was not moving his arm when he was hit... therefore fumble recovery leading to touchdown. It was very surprising to me when watching the game that no one reacted sooner than they did to pick it up and run it in. You gotta pay attention to the whistle.


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