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"Expert" Zippo trickster meets his match, pun intended (NSFW)


farmbuzz wrote: "why not edit out the failed attempts".

I was wondering the same thing. But as the Sisters of Mercy sing, "pain/looks great on other people. That's what they're for". In his case, HAW HAW HAW.

PS Yet another downvote from ant. How tiresome.

James Roesays...

PS Yet another downvote from ant. How tiresome.

good for ant, this is why the downvote is around, if you don't like something feel free to downvote it. That's what makes this a hive mind, if the belief existed that down voting is a bad thing to do, then we would just end up with group think.


James Roe: I'm still split on the downvote. I certainly like it when I can vote against yet another lip-syncing camgirl. What bugs me is that it's a vote against for no obvious reason [to me].

I try to use the downvote more as an educational tool than an gut-based opinion. In my worldview, you downvote and comment, "this video was downvoted because camgirls are nothing special".

Action: user sees comment.
Reaction: user adjusts submissions.
Final result: better site submissions.

So here's a feature request: pop-up an [optional] text-entry field for a downvote reason. Put it in the comments.


LOL, the wife beater added extra (what's the opposite of "class"?)...

As for the downvotes, I sympathize with oohahh - when you see a series of them, esp. if you get zinged, it sucks. But don't take it personally, it's just an expression of personal taste/opinion/mood/feeling. Infinite reasons.

Having said that, I also agree that it's also very desirable to add a comment. Perhaps sometimes you'll feel like thinking "I won't even dignify this video with a comment", or maybe you're just busy, or maybe your finger slipped. Whatever.

Comments are to be encouraged for downvotes, but aren't mandatory and certainly shouldn't be - it's up to the user to decide how to use them.

In the interest of civility, it's probably a good idea to wait for a bit to cool down, pause, and ask, "can you tell me why" - either in a comment or sometimes even better, by e-mail (after all, many/most have a public e-mail field). It's not ideal, but it reduces the propensity for flame wars to ignite - something VS has had blessedly little/none of to date (little or none depends on your definition of "flame war" - there have definitely been animated discussions surrounding some vids!).

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