Escape From Tomorrow

Filmed in Disneyland and Disneyworld, but not with permission. A "Guerrilla-flimed movie".
"Actors had scripts on their iPhones and it was edited in Korea."

What with Disney's complete lack of suing the film maker, I personally wonder if this is a "viral" movie that was, in fact, produced by Disney.

This bees a must-see!
I would guess that this debut-director's work is gonna launch a shitstorm from Disney once they figure out how to hang the guy but by then, the indelible, perceived damage to future patronage Disney paranoids may see to their parks from this guy's FAP will have been done-(Opens October 11, 2013)

"Though the filmmakers may have committed trespass when they broke Disney World's rules and if it violated the terms of entry on their tickets, the film itself is a different matter,"..."As commentary on the social ideals of Disney World, it seems to clearly fall within a well-recognized category of fair use, and therefore probably will not be stopped by a court using copyright or trademark laws."- Tim Wu, New Yorker, blog

It looks frikkin' hilarious and Disney deserves every bit of 'it', whatever 'that' is.

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