Epic Documentary On Cleveland's Foreclosures By Bill Moyers

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL — Cleveland, Ohio. BMJ's investigative journalism takes viewers to Slavic Village, one of the hardest hit neighborhoods in the nation when it comes to foreclosures caused by the subprime mortgage crisis.. Aired Friday, July 18, at 9p.m. on PBS (check local listings). For more: http://www.pbs.org/billmoyers

I live in a Republic, not a Democracy nor an Oligarchy. The Government should not get involved. The people should loose their house if they can not afford it. Others , ( the American people) should not have to pick up the slack because they were sold a load they can't afford. Also, Fanni Mea and Freddie Mac and Bear Stearns all should fall or bear the weight of their decisions, not the public.

If you dont know what a Republic, not a Democracy, Oligarchy is the you owe it to you self and your country to find out. Here is a link to a 30 minute clip. Watch it and learn.


If it does not work the go to google video and search " Overview of America "

You owe it to yourself.

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