Economy is best form of birth control.

"US birth rates have been falling ever since the recession started, and studies show that this year they've fallen even more! In 2007, there were over 4.3 million babies born, the most ever. It's supposed to go up every year. But now it's down to 4 million. This year, young women from their teens to early 20s have the lowest birth rate ever! ..."

South Korea is the same, and Japan's had this problem for a long time, though I'm not sure how they're coping with the problem.

Also this is somewhat of a limited argument because in places like Africa, India and China they've had severe poverty for a long time, yet the birthrates are still very very high.


All of Europe also has low birtrates.

Low birthrate is not the main issue as the total population is still growing due to people getting older. If you try to solve the 4-2-1 problem by having more kids, the total population will keep growing at a much stronger rate as we are still getting older and older. Which means you need more kids again, more people again and the issue just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

The issue is the amount of people in total is exploding. The solution should be sought in finding a balance. Not more kids, but the right amount of kids vs the amount we are growing older. That means getting less kids then we have today, even in Western countries. On top of that we need to look at the world, not just at isolated regions. Economic prosperity can help those regions find more sustainable birth rates as well. So us helping them economically will help us in the end not overpopulating this planet.

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