Drones Planned Against the Pentagon, plot foiled

from the ABC website: Rezwan Ferdaus, a 26-year-old U.S. citizen and Northeastern University graduate, was nabbed in an elaborate FBI sting after he told undercover officers exactly how he planned to arm "small drone airplanes" with explosives in order to hit the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol building before opening fire on the survivors, federal officials said in a statement.

"The FBI says, it allows these cases to play out so that potential juries can see the overt act"

Right. Who supplied the plane? The FBI. Who supplied the C4? The FBI. Who supplied the grenades? The FBI. Who supplied the rifles? The FBI.

The FBI really excels at thwarting its own terror plots, if you ask me. Credit where credit is due. At least this time, they seemingly didn't have to plant the idea as well, unlike some of those previous "foiled terror plots".


Boston: FBI Thwarts Own R/C Bomb
Another case of FBI entrapment, proving the only terrorism Americans must fear, comes from within the bowels of their own government.
By Tony Cartalucci

The United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claims to have thwarted their own "drone" bomb, in yet another farcical case of entrapment and fear mongering aimed not at ending the "War on Terror" but perpetuating the mythological, unending conflict. FBI agents apparently strung along another subpar malcontent by providing him with materials, including a model airplane, real C4 explosives, and small arms. Rezwan Ferdaus, 26, was approached by undercover FBI agents and tasked first with building remote detonation devices he was told would be used in Iraq against US troops. FBI agents went as far as falsely telling Ferdaus that one of his devices had killed 3 US troops. The grand finale was assisting Ferdaus in a spectacular, Hollywood-style attack we are told by FBI agents, would have involve simultaneous assaults on both the US Capitol and the Pentagon involving drone bombs and multiple gunmen.

Photo: Your FBI at work - sneaking around the United States, constructing drones made of toy planes like the one above, building bombs, handing out weapons and live explosives to prospective "terrorists" then stopping them "just in time" for sensational headlines to get Americans wringing their hands in fear from what Media Monarchy calls, "terronoia."

According to an AFP report, FBI special agent Richard DesLauriers claimed the sting operation proved ''a committed individual, even one with no direct connections to, or formal training from, an international terrorist organisation, can pose a serious danger to the community.'' DesLauriers fails to explain where, if not from the FBI or other federal agencies, Ferdaus could have acquired C4 explosives for his alleged plot. Additionally, DesLauriers fails to explain how Ferdaus can be considered acting as an "individual" with no "direct connections" to an international terrorist organization, when FBI agents were posing as just that, supplying him with motivation, supplies, explosives, logistics, and weapons.

If convicted, Ferdaus faces 15 years in prison for supporting a foreign terrorist organization and an additional 40 years on other terror related charges. In order to support a foreign terrorist organization, Ferdaus would have to have believed, by necessity, to be in contact with one, again undermining FBI special agent DesLauriers' statement. Ironically, Ferdaus is being arrested, held, and awaiting trial that could see him locked up for most of his life, while the US State Department, Department of Defense, and the White House itself are verifiably supporting foreign terrorist organizations, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), listed as #26 on the State Department's own list, as well as Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) in Iran, listed as #28 by the US State Department.


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I'm not in the least surprised that they let it play out. Put someone like that in jail too early and he'll receive a non-existent sentence (if any), and then vanish off the map, to do damage out of authority's reach.

/devil's advocate


Yeah... kindof a stretch with this one, FBI...

Reminds me of the 'badguy test' where a person who the 'badguys' are thinking about trusting is shown a room where a captured informant is being tortured... they hand the new guy a gun and say 'shoot this informant to show us your commitment'.

Difference here is the FBI hand a kid a plane with some explosives,... 'I thought you said you hated America, well here's your chance... justkidding we're the FBI and you're under arrest'


>> ^hpqp:

I'm not in the least surprised that they let it play out. Put someone like that in jail too early and he'll receive a non-existent sentence (if any), and then vanish off the map, to do damage out of authority's reach.
/devil's advocate

So let's goad him and give him real explosives to see if he's serious. The world is full of mindless dupes. Manipulating them to commit terrorism only serves one purpose -- to sell fear to the public.


If someone's ready to fly a plane-full of explosives into a building, that person needs to be put away, regardless of who handed them the 'splosives.

/devil's advocate

>> ^bamdrew:

Yeah... kindof a stretch with this one, FBI...
Reminds me of the 'badguy test' where a person who the 'badguys' are thinking about trusting is shown a room where a captured informant is being tortured... they hand the new guy a gun and say 'shoot this informant to show us your commitment'.
Difference here is the FBI hand a kid a plane with some explosives,... 'I thought you said you hated America, well here's your chance... justkidding we're the FBI and you're under arrest'

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