Dr Jerome Corsi Exposes Cancer Risks From TSA Porno Scanners

Dr. Jerome Corsi,a Harvard Phd reports : A Columbia University expert in radiation today confirmed that it is quite "likely" that the radiation from screening machines being installed nationwide by the Transportation Security Authority to use on airline passengers will cause cancer.

I don't know if TSA scanners are dangerous or not. The manufacturers claim they are safe, while this guy says they are not. He says they MAY be dangerous. However, he has NOT tested the machines themselves. No one outside of the manufacturers have tested them. Therefore independent testing needs to be performed.

BTW, there are actually two types of scanners in use at airports: millimeter wave scanners and X-ray backscatter machines. It's the X-ray backscatter machines that have some experts concerned. Read the transcripts from an actual interview with Dr. Brenner, the same one Dr. Corsi referred to. Dr. Brenner suggests independent testing because they can only guess at the radiation levels from the machines based on the images they've seen. He thinks they radiation levels are higher because of those images, but he (along with other experts) are NOT sure.

This guy is being alarmist, which is totally irresponsible, and he's also misrepresenting Dr. Brenner's comments on the subject, which is downright deceitful.

Like Dr. Brenner suggests, let there be independent testing on the machines. Maybe they ARE bad. But we can't draw conclusions based on what we know right now.

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