Dissociative Fugue

"Some synesthesia for you. This was an attempt to visualize some of the abstract noise that goes on inside my head when listening to music. At first blush, it may not seem that different from a software visualizer. Unfortunately, visualizers are bound by the analysis of a stereo mix. While a it may extract information from certain frequency ranges, it can't really tell a clarinet from a duduk and represent each discretely. Here, each element has its own visual counterpart."

Love it! Makes ya wanna crawl right into the many heads available.....Aske d a dude blind from birth once, when only 8 yrs old, he threw me a koan that lasted for years....

I asked, " Do you see black"...(like i did when i closed my eyes)

He said, "I don't see anything".....man that fucked me up!!!!

then he said he knew what black was to me, in a way......damn, that blind dude was mean as hell to me, I was only a kid fer criissakes!!!!!!!!!


This is an artificial reproduction of the experience of synesthesia, not dissociative fugue. Dissociative fugue is when one forgets their relationships and who they are, usually as the mind's only way to escape an unbearable life (troubled marriage, etc.). The condition is cured when the person is faced with someone from his past life and his brain is forced to recall.


Years ago a friend of mine was sure that you could produce a midi sequence from music audio. I was certain you could not because (similar to what Ant says) you can use analysis to extract frequency information (FFTs, for example), but you cannot extract waveforms of indiviual instruments. One would have to know, at the minimum, all the instruments being played in the audio. You would have to use analysis to determine which instruments are part of the current composite wave form and at what stage of the sound wave each individual instrument was currently at. Seems like a daunting (if possible) task.

Then again, I could be totallyout of my mind about this...

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