Did she or didn't she? The last airshows of the Avro Vulcan

Once the cutting edge of Britain's nuclear deterrent---and used as recently as the Falkland's (Malvinas) conflict---the Vulcan is a beast from a different era.

This is her last airshow season in England (she has been privately run since her retirement in 2007...) and she's going out with style.

This is quite the maneuver from 1956---not many 59 year old ladies could make the eye believe, from certain willing perspectives, that they had just pulled a loop-de-loop...

Ok, maybe a pilot can correct me here, but that's not necessarily a violent or high stress manoeuvre. Pretty much all planes are able to do these tricks (including large passenger jets), they just aren't often flown that way. As long as they have enough air speed and engine power to not slow too much and stall out mid way through then there only needs to be a relatively small increase in load on the wings to do this.

The Vulcan is a very cool plane though. I live just down the road from where they used to keep the last flying one. A beautiful plane.

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