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Dick Cheney: "How'd He Do?"

Late Night with David Letterman put a little segment together called "Dick Cheney: How'd He Do?"

M'eh - you could do the exact same "BZZZT!" with a speech given by Obama or Biden from thier campaign. The measure of "How'd He Do?" for a politician is how successful they were politically. By that standard, Cheney & Bush were rip-roaringly successful since they passed most of their agenda items. Sadly, much of their agenda was overspending BS, but they accomplished it.
Defeat democrats in the House and Senate? DING!
Pass bill after bill after bill after bill over Democrat objections? DING!
Prosecute & fund Iraq War & Afghanistan? DING!
Pass Patriot Act? DING!

Needless to say, Letterman's vid is mildly amusing but completely off-target. If you want to do a "BZZZT!" video for a politician based on a campaign speech then you'd have to say every politician in office could get the same treatment.

"Dave Letterman show funny...?"


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