Delta Flight 6499

How long does it take to fly from JFK to Dallas-Fort Worth? If you take Delta: 10 hours. Their 4:30pm flight took off at 10:45pm. The passengers were not allowed to disembark to get food and Delta would not feed them. When the videographer's wife called Delta to get an ETA, they lied and said that the plane had already landed when it was still sitting on the ground at JFK.

Customer satisfaction seems to be a dying art in the airline industry.

Nothing bad to say about good ol' Delta here...between the tenured flight attendant and the .04 cents an air mile, anywhere Delta flies in the world.....we bees, "shitting in tall cotton," as they say.....don't really care if the only place to sleep, is on the tarmac....fuck it. 8000 round trip air miles=$320 US.........!


..take that back, after watching this and imagining the person would not be seated, and that same person would be commandeering the bar cart, the peanut bag, and a stewardess or two for well as gambling, and telling the French fucker to shut up....


I've been in a similar situation and I'm here to say that it should be viewed as unlawful imprisonment if you're on the ground. My wait was 2 hours at LAX and it was brutal. They could probably fix this situation, but that would mean their CEO's couldn't afford their 3rd summer homes.


I actually have a buddy who's an airline pilot, and for a case like this, you can't really blame anyone.

Obviously you can't fly with unrested pilots, as they would be unreliable at a job that requires a lot of precision.
Switching to a new crew does require paperwork to be filled out. Usually the crew does that well ahead of time, but in this case it was unavoidable. (And in a job as complex as what they do in the airlines, you can't just bypass this paperwork. Doing things half-assed causes a lot of records issues.)

Getting a new pilot is tricky. Pilots have an itinerary they follow and are scheduled for specific flights to specific places at specific times. There may not always be an extra pilot lying around the local airport, so they would need to wait for one to arrive whose itinerary they could adjust to accommodate the flight.

With the food issue, some airlines have a set amount of food available for flights that are there. (To prevent spoilage and possible security threats.) Plus allowing passengers to leave to eat would cause further delays, as they would have to be re-admitted and any delays in reboarding would cause an even longer flight delay. (And despite the lateness, the airline would be trying to fit the plane into a new itinerary as well, since planes also have itineraries to follow.)

As to the wife calling in, that I couldn't be sure of because I don't know the details of the call.

In short, I think Delta is getting a bit too much hate here. Yeah, they were hardly blameless, due to their part in the rest issue that started the whole debacle, but the entire event was mostly unfortunate coincidence.

I'm not going to upvote, because I think the video does put Delta in a negative light, but I won't downvote because it's definitely something to see on the Sift.


you can't really blame anyone
That's about the dumbest statement I've ever read.

I blame the airline for poor planning. And I blame the airline for having a stupid policy of making people sit on a plane that's not going anywhere for 6 hours.

There is no legitimate reason for making people stay on a plane that does not have a flight crew! They should have just canceled the flight.

I don't know if I could have kept my cool like those passengers. I think at some point I would have opened an emergency exit.



How long have you worked for delta?

There is no aspect of this absurdity that is not deltas fault. It's called CONTINGENY PLANNING. It's done all the time. Of course that would mean additional expenses. So what. Charge more for tickets.

I would have called 911 and told the police I had been kidnapped. And all those morons who were spewing bullshit to justify the "delays"...I would have told them to STFU and get the f'ing plane rolling.


Any other airline in the world would have had food and drinks served on that plane. US airlines treat you like cattle. I spent 28 hours stuck in Chicago because of a delay, an Indian guy and a German family I met were stuck there for 2 days. I was the only person on the flight who lost my temper and started shouting at airline staff, which is why I got out of there a day earlier than anyone else.


I can't believe Sylvester is defending Delta! That was inexcusable. Especially when people wanted to leave and they refuse.

And it bugs the hell out of me to see employees behave like robots...THINK PEOPLE! Call Pizza Hut for these folks then.... I could not sit there for hours and hold those people without feeding them.

Thankyou, I'll drive..damn.

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