Dancer of Girl Walk is Happy that Pharrel likes her work....

Well. She does seem to have a strong case here...

Was that shot-for-shot between the two? Or was this clip just grabbing all the pieces she's done and lining them up with the music video? Regardless: ouch! At least the internet has spoken.


looks like its about one minute taken from two separate videos she did that total about sixteen minutes and then pulled one minute of dancing from 1440min(24 hrs) of dancing video done for Pharrels Happy Video. Shes only using the clips of Pharrel which were actually taken from his music video.
(she actually may have pulled her clips from much more video

Meh im guessing lots of videos out there of people dancing in the street could do the same when using 24 hours of dancing footage. Much better argument if all the footage was from his three minute Happy video.


Was that shot-for-shot between the two? Or was this clip just grabbing all the pieces she's done and lining them up with the music video? Regardless: ouch! At least the internet has spoken.

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