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DIY Tripod Under $1!

Using only household items such as flour,you can make a fantastic tripod which is even better that normal tripod,its even portable..try it!

This is like watching a viddy on how to potty or tie ones to make simple tools, even a caveman could do it....seriously, are there folks who are amazed by this????..ewwww and off-brand flour!!


WTF? Off branded flour,who cares! that shows how stupid you are.The purpose of the flour is not to eat it,its there to support the it does not matter what kind of flour you use.oh man..check yourself before you say something


Checked. Now. That was what is known as sarcasm. mrillusion, the substantive portion of the comment, ws the 1st statement, an editorial, and the follow-up question-the response to which, is purely subjective and perception-bound.....

welcome to an upvote!

(who put cute on this????)


I think you are right choggie. I would have went with a quality whole-wheat or duram. You'd prolly have some splainin' to do at baggage check with the plain white stuff. "It's for taking pictures? Yeah... riiiiight. Please step into the little room."


Now see you're all wrong. Cake flour is finer and would provide more precise control.

*ban for not knowing your flour

Oh, but props to Fletch...whole wheat would make a more nutritious tripod..more gluten= more protein

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