Cute Dogs Playing with Balloon

That lasted a lot longer than I expected!

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"Cute Dogs Playing with Balloon.

Introducing Rani & Kajol! Rani is our 6 year old boxador. She is black, white and caramel coloured weighing in at a good 90lbs. She's all bark and no bite with an amazing demeanour. She loves treats and is embarrassed when she farts. She was a rescue dog and we are so happy to have her as part of our family!Kajol is a black and white 3 year old boxador. She can be timid and often rambunctious but this affectionate girl loves to cuddle under the blankets and give hugs. She loves her big sister Rani so much and follows her around wherever she goes. We don't know what we would do without her!Thanks for watching!

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