Cop Knocks Out 70 Year Old Lady

"A seventy year old lady gets pulled over by a cop and while he attempts to radio in to dispatch she reaches her hand in his pocket. He explains that she should not do that with a swift knee to the forehead." From ...

Haven't you guys ever seen Mrs. Doubtfire? What appeared to be a pleasant old lady was really a washed up, crappy old comedian. This old woman could've easily been a dangerous, disgruntled old comedian.


Excessive force or not, that lady is batshit insane. Looks like she was grabbing for the radio, trying to stop him from calling in something. I also can't imagine what she was trying to do reaching into his pockets not once, but twice.


Right! And the best way to solve a problem with a mad person is to knee them repeatedly in the head until they stop or start doing whatever you want them to stop or start doing.

As we have learned from the war on terror, all problems can be solved by mindlessly destroying everything in your path in a blind rage! (shamelessly adapted from a gta radio advertisement)


Danny has got this completely right. This cop's way of thinking is what escalates situations until someone gets seriously hurt.
Part of good policing is employing commonsense - with an elderly person who's behaving erratically they could be an idiot but they might also be ill or in distress. A knee to her head was NOT the appropriate response.

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