This is a very interesting phenom for those who haven't heard of it yet. Was a fad for a while, comes and goes, but try it ~ you can't argue with results! ;)
from YouTube:
"First- yes, I am a huge Kate Bush fan. A friend of mine has sang and recorded with her as well in England.
Second: "The powers of the human brain are
infinite" Noel laureate Sir John Eccles
Third- This is NOT time lapse. Yes, that would have been easy to do, but in this case, the video is in real time, and is completely unedited. The soundtrack is the actual sounds in my back yard, the movement of the leaves is from the wind as it occurs. I am very good at video editing, and could have faked this, but I did not. Please see my web pages devoted to this phenomenon. This is at the very least- fun! You decide what is
going on here- read my full web page on
the phenomenon, including our national
rain making Mass Brain Focus experiment-
pretty crazy, but something to think about. The cloudbusting thing is at the very least interesting, and I've examined it and considered it for a very long time. I've always held that the perception of busting clouds may only be some unexplained ability to predict which single cloud out of a bank of clouds will be next to vaporize. Even so, this would be a pretty impressive skill. I tend to favor this explanation.
On my web page I have another video clip, and assuredly, a distinct HOLE is created (or occurs) in the cloud bank, and it occurs right where I pointed my camera. It was very cool.
One of the caveats I insist upon in this little activity, is that surrounding clouds-- not the ONE you pick- as a rule remain for the most part. In the YouTube clip I selected, the clouds thicken above my target cloud, and a slight bit vanishes below it, but in the overall picture as a whole (get out your square footage calculators) most remain.
Most importantly, I hope this topic adn video causes people to think. That's my goal, and the goal of my website. Cloudbusting is just one teeny tiny piece of "brain", and a fun one at that, even if one chooses to poke at it-- question everything, but keep an open mind. thats your best chances for survival.
siftbotRe-queueing this video for one more try; last queued Saturday, December 29th, 2007 6:06pm PST - requeue requested by submitter laura.
ThylanUpvote for Kate Bush
lauraThis is a fun one, people...gonna *requeue again!!!
siftbotRe-queueing this video for one more try; last queued Tuesday, January 1st, 2008 11:21am PST - requeue requested by submitter laura.
AbductedHaha I was expecting him to turn into a hulk like some of the viral videos of today.. A kind of home science experiment gone wrong advert for a new Ratchet and Clank game.

When they told you to watch the cloud I was afraid it was a scare video.
Only thing you are gonna do by stimulating your amygdala is get angry or scared of the clouds!
choggiemmmmm, toooouch my amygdala!!!
E_Nygmathe amygdala as a switch? like literal switch? c'mon...
finch451I wish we could control more of our brains, but we'd probably go insane.
Arsenault185I'm not sure what to make of this. There seem to be no decent resources on this "phenomena", so i dont know if i think its a crack pot theory or a viral.
snoozedoctorThanks. I didn't want to rain on anyone's amygdala. The human mind is wondrous. It can influence the masses, stirring them to great good, or great evil. However, there is not a shred of sound scientific evidence that the mind can influence inorganic matter, of any kind, that it's not directly wired to. I guess it would be POSSIBLE that a human brain could be made to operate systems without direct connection, but it would only be through remote sensing of regional brain blood flow or neural activity. (I'm eliminating detection of eye movement here.) Regardless, it would require powered sensors to complete the circuit.
sineralsays...I don't think this should be in nature, geek, or howto, because if the video was meant to be taken seriously then it is a bunch of crap. His talk of "projecting" brain "energy" onto the universe is typical mystical new age woo nonsense. This is just a special case of the fallacious idea that wishing for something hard enough will make it so. On his website he explicitly claims human brains have "psychic and telekinetic powers". This is bunk, it fits better in the EIA channel.
gwiz665Boring and bunk. Show me the droppings of a cloudbuster, and I might believe it!
bigbikemanHeh. My "theory", right after I lay down my crack pipe: this dipshit filmed himself attempting to bust 100 clouds and he finally beat statistical probability on this one. Maybe? Do you think? Possibly? Really!!!!
Nah, he's actually moving water vapour with his mind, because that's a useful skill for humans to have. Evolution or no.
Lovely. Why isn't this flagged comedy?
TrancecoachGreat, now fix Global Warming.
RyjkyjHow exactly do you "vaporize" a cloud? Isn't that kind of redundant?
kulpimsyou're all thinking in terms of rational explanations. what if there is none and the thing still works? if particle entaglement experiments have shown us anything it's that not only is all matter just energy but that everything in the universe is interconnected. the point is, we don't know shit yet. the behaviour of particles at quantum level shows bizzare results we are unable to backup properly with our newtonian ways. as we discovered that observation inevitably affects the results of experiments we were no longer just voayers looking from the outside into this newtonian rube-goldberg apparatus we call universe - we are the apparatus. our current description of reality is a sketch at best. i like the work David Bohm did with Karl Pribram on holonomic model of the brain and his ideas of the role consciencesness has in this universe. another wacko i like is David Deutsch and his four-strand theory of everything.
which reminded me of another fine post here on the sift, a Wired editor Kevin Kelly's TED talk about remarkable similarities between the evolution of biology and technology.a quote from wiki about his theory:
my15minutes^ if i concentrate hard enough?
i can create a cloud, right here in my apartment...
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