Climate Change - Has the Earth Been Cooling?

This video also looks at whether other planets are also warming, and an Internet myth that NASA is now attributing warming to the sun. In this video I examine the importance of sources -- tracking information back to a source and making sure the source is credible. My sources are cited in the video, but I'll also post them here. Sources are also cited throughout my climate change series. These videos are not a personal opinion or a theory of my own; I'm not a climate scientist or a researcher and I have no qualifications to do anything other than report on what real climate scientists have discovered through their research. So there's no point in disagreeing with me. If you dislike their conclusions, take it up with the researchers I cite. If I've made a mistake in reporting their conclusions, please pooint out the mistake and I will happily correct it. If you think you know better than the experts, write a paper and have it published in a respected, peer-reviewed scientific journal. - YT

"or even the IPCC"
potholer54 saying that, makes him all the more reliable Good post

Unfortunately he spends too much time talking about fox news and random youtube commenters. I follow climategate pretty closely, and lately I'm more interested in the mysterious disappearing weather stations than anything else. Can't find a good explanation. Here is the link to this "scandal" NOAA/NCDC: GHCN – The Global Analysis And here is Delingpoles report


He makes the point well that you shouldn't simply repeat claims you've heard without any scrutiny of the source, methods or logic behind it. But I think this is the sort of complex scientific topic that the average person doesn't have the time to fully understand and independently analyze.

Take crippep link for example, it would take me days to fully understand what it's about, track down the sources mentioned, read those, and then look at the arguments of people who disagree. And I still wouldn't be in a great position to make up my own mind because I don't have much knowledge of the underlying science. And that's one tiny piece of the picture.

You can't expect the average person to be so deeply interested in every scientific, social and economic topic that they will do the work required to have an informed and independent opinion.

And yet, we need to somehow form these opinions, because we're asked to vote. I care just enough to want to be right. But not enough to become an expert.


really, you don't need science to prove global climate change. Just common sense. Human's are an infestation. 2 billion to 7 billion in 80 years. One rat in a house... ok. 100,000 rats in a house...the environment becomes toxic and quickly unlivable. On a global stage, the ecosystem already does not have the ability to deal effectively with our rate of waste, energy consumption, and species destruction.
We *are* the environment. It is not a separate entity. Destruction of the ecosystem is destruction of the self. to think we can't affect our fragile ecosystem that is based on delicate balance is the height of arrogance and mindless stupidity.
And of course we're warming. To create energy, we chiefly BURN shit...lots of it. if you've ever spent a summer day in an area adjacent to a forest fire, you understand the warming effect of high amounts of CO2 in the air. Same thing but on a less concentrated, global scale. duh.

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