Classic Irish Dance Vs. Dubstep

Toronto native Ciaran Plummer and Ohio native Zach Klingenberg are no ordinary tap-dancing duo. Known as TapTronic, their style is a modern fusion of Irish dance and dubstep, two art forms that — as far as they know — have never been combined. Bonus trivia: Plummer is a two-time Irish dance world champion, and Klingenberg has earned four medals in international competition. -dw

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I can't help but wonder if the habit of calling combinations and collaborations Xvsy is indicative of an obsession with conflict.

Or is it just another really stupid thing that people do on the internet?

(cue philosoraptor)


Just makes the process of coming up with a title much easier. It's just being a bit lazy.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

I can't help but wonder if the habit of calling combinations and collaborations Xvsy is indicative of an obsession with conflict.
Or is it just another really stupid thing that people do on the internet?
(cue philosoraptor)


>> ^eric3579:

Just makes the process of coming up with a title much easier. It's just lazy.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
I can't help but wonder if the habit of calling combinations and collaborations Xvsy is indicative of an obsession with conflict.
Or is it just another really stupid thing that people do on the internet?
(cue philosoraptor)

"Classic Irish Dance + Dubstep" would have been even lazier (1 fewer character) but still more accurate.


I agree more accurate but not as lazy as it was the first thing that came to mind It is also an internet thing.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^eric3579:
Just makes the process of coming up with a title much easier. It's just lazy.
>> ^xxovercastxx:
I can't help but wonder if the habit of calling combinations and collaborations Xvsy is indicative of an obsession with conflict.
Or is it just another really stupid thing that people do on the internet?
(cue philosoraptor)

"Classic Irish Dance + Dubstep" would have been even lazier (1 fewer character) but still more accurate.

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