Thinly veiled threats of violence and death? Check. Specific targeting of anal sex for the ick factor? Check. Completely rage-inducing? Check. Christian evangelicals? Check.
All in all, *NSFL.
From their glorious website (which is of course hermetically comment proof):
"TRUTH is hate to those who hate the TRUTH!
Here you will find the TRUTH and only the truth. What you will NOT find is watered down (censored) Christianity here.
Nothing but BOLD PREACHING will be found on this website.
If you don’t like the truth or you don’t like honest King James Bible hardcore preaching, now is the time to leave.
And try to not let the door hit you on your way out. Thanks."
Once again, sadly not a sick joke. And as terrifying as the above video is, it's not as bad as some of the lies they spew on their website (seriously, don't go there. It made me ragequite hard after only a couple minutes).
Trivia for the lulz: they're also Ron Paul supporters and conspiracy theorists.
hpqpUpvote only if this makes you raging mad and physically sick. If you agree with it, please go ask your sky-God why he made you such an ignorant fuck.
alien_conceptOnce again I feel myself wishing as the bile rises up in my throat, that their god truly does exist. To see the look of confusion on their faces when they face their judgement day would be sweeter than a baby snorting candy floss in a poppy field
*promote the demonic for kicks
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, September 8th, 2011 3:44pm PDT - promote requested by alien_concept.
acidSpineJohn Lennon was a fucking genius. This is up there with Imagine IMHO
MorganthWhen they put "King James Bible preaching" on their website, that immediately lets me know they're a part of the 'King James only movement'. Basically, it's the only "true" authorized Bible and if you use any other version, that's considered enough proof to them that you've already been deceived by Satan, no matter what else you believe.
ponceleonSomeone is just a LITTLE too obsessed with prolapsed anus... I can see the guy who made this just looking over pages of pages of anus shots and trying to make himself feel better about what he's doing because he "hates" the gays...
... It seems to be always the most out-spoken of anti-gays that are just self-hating homosexuals brainwashed by christian bullshit and it is always those that get caught in some craigslist meet-up situation.
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